IEMT Praktijk Curaçao

Are you experiencing an inner need for peace of mind and body? Are you ready to let go of limiting anxieties, phobias, stress or depression? A mini retreat including an IEMT session and Access Bars can turn your life around! Break through old patterns and create new, positive insights due to the powerful methods that access your deepest memories. Now a 3-4 hour mini retreat including IEMT & Access Bars, a refreshment and a bite with 50% discount from $180.55 for only $90.28 (ANG162.50)

Sacha has years of experience with personal coaching. You can choose any topic for treatment.

Highlights Fineprint
Break through old patterns with this mini retreat including IEMT and Access Bars The coupon is valid from the 1st of October until the 20th of December 2024
IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapy) involves eye movement on a neurological level that instantly create new connections in the brain with the aim to reassess memories, or change feelings that have been established by previous experiences, like grief, phobias, depression and more The coupon is valid for a 3-4 hour lasting personal mini retreat including IEMT session, Access Bars session, refreshing drink and a bite for 1 person
IEMT is not a talking session. During the acquaintance you’ll be asked to recall a memory to vividly access your feeling about this, whilst Sacha (the IEMT therapist) will perform the treatment (will then move your eyes while you hold on to the memory) Availability: Monday – Friday from 9AM – 1PM or from 1PM – 4PM
Access Bars help release mental blockages, like anxiety, migraine, insomnia or stress Reservation required, please schedule your appointment on this link
During an Access Bars treatment Sacha uses a light touch on emotional stressor points on the head, leading to immediate release, relaxation and relief Available in Dutch and English
The mini retreat lasts 3-4 hours Bring your coupon code or printed coupon with you
Welcome with a refreshing drink and short briefing about your retreat Location: Grote Berg (location will be sent upon appointment)
IEMT session (1 – 1.5 hour)
Short break with a refreshment and a bite
Access Bar treatment (1.5 hour)
This mini retreat is suitable for people who are experiencing physical issues, like panic attacks, insomnia and migraine, or mental/emotional issues, like burn-out, trauma, grief, loss, depression, anxiety, PTSS, phobias, stress or lack of happiness